by | Mar 27, 2023
Spring has sprung, and the trees are feeling it! Come join Jocelyn Kleinman, Director of Education at Sheldrake Environmental Center, at the Sheldrake River Trail to learn about seasonal effects on our local trees. A lot has happened since the winter tree walk! All...
by | Mar 22, 2023
Celebrate Earth Day weekend at Sheldrake! Expert birder Doug Bloom will help us identify birds by sights and sounds, and we’ll learn about their migration habits and habitats. Binoculars are helpful but not required. Doug is a former president of the Bronx River Sound...
by | Mar 18, 2023
April is Earth Month! Join us for this special Earth Day retreat where we’ll tap into the reciprocal, healing relationship between humans and the natural world. Participants will be empowered with meaningful ways of addressing climate change, both by learning tangible...
by | Feb 15, 2023
You might be surprised to discover how many bird names you already know. But whether it’s 5 or 50, there’s always more to learn! Birding is both magical and grounding. You get to be outside and tune in to nature with your senses. Learning about the...
by | Feb 15, 2023
You might be surprised to discover how many bird names you already know. But whether it’s 5 or 50, there’s always more to learn! Birding is both magical and grounding. You get to be outside and tune in to nature with your senses. Learning about the...