Fall Birding with Doug Bloom

Fall is a fun time for birding at Sheldrake, with the striking colors of autumn as our backdrop. Join us to learn about migration habits, and see which birds you can identify by sight and sound. We’ll explore our trails attuned to the early-morning activities of our feathered friends, with expert birder Doug Bloom as our guide. Binoculars are helpful but not required.

Doug is a former president of the Bronx River Sound Shore Audubon Society and its current vice president. He is a lifelong birder, the current birding field trip leader at the Audubon Society, and all-around nature and birding enthusiast.

This program is FREE, thanks to the generous support of Con Edison.

Advance registration is required. Space is limited

Date: Saturday, November 2

Times: 8:30 am-9:30 am

Ages: All ages

Format: This program will be conducted entirely outdoors. Children must be accompanied by an actively participating adult. Bathrooms will not be available. Trails are not conducive to strollers.

Fee: FREE, thanks to the generous support of Con Edison

Cancellation Policy: This program proceeds in inclement weather unless hazardous conditions occur. Should your plans change after registering, please notify us so we may offer your spot(s) to anyone on the wait list.

Advance registration is required. Registration for this program is now closed. Please visit our Upcoming Events page to view other Sheldrake programs.

Fall Birding with Doug Bloom
blue gray gnatcatcher, a bird, resting on a branch


685 Weaver St, Larchmont, NY 10538