by | Nov 18, 2022
Come join us on the Sheldrake River Trail as we explore our trees in the winter. The winter can be a hard time of the year to investigate and identify trees. For the most part, they aren’t robed in their distinctive leaves, flowers, or fruit. Come learn how to be a...
by | Oct 24, 2022
You just changed the clocks; come spend your extra hour in nature! Let a Sheldrake naturalist be your guide and explore our trails on a mid Autumn morning. In addition to your senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell, please bring your senses of wonder and...
by | Oct 11, 2022
What kinds of critters do you think of when you think Halloween? Spiders? Owls? What about… vultures! Often misunderstood, these amazing birds have all kinds of abilities that make them super cool, super gross, and super important to the natural environment....
by | Oct 9, 2022
Looking for community service hours? Help Sheldrake in our Giving Garden! On 10/16, our project will be to plant garlic. Produce from the Sheldrake garden is donated to the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force to help address food insecurity in our community. If...
by | Oct 7, 2022
Savor fall at Sheldrake Environmental Center in Larchmont with a FREE fall walk along our trails with our naturalist. We’ll notice the effects of seasonal changes in nature, discussing our habitats, trees, and woodland critters. Register in advance to secure...