Sheldrake Blog

Learn from Sheldrake's naturalists and staff about the natural resources that surround us everyday, and how we can benefit from immersing ourselves in the environment around us.

Results of the Sheldrake 5th Annual Backyard Bioblitz

August 04, 2024

“Change is the very nature of nature” Ilchee Lee


“The way of nature is unchanging” Laozi

We’ve just completed our fifth Sheldrake Backyard Bioblitz, and all five years we’ve loved seeing what was observed. Because we have scheduled all five bioblitzes for the same time of the year, we have the ability to do a meaningful comparison of our findings year over year. This year’s bioblitz was full of both the change and constancy that typifies nature. What did we notice this year that was similar to years past? What was different?

A big change in observations from our first bioblitz in 2020 is the arrival of the Spotted Lanternfly. It was nowhere on our first (or second or third) bioblitz but made it on to last year’s and was our most observed species overall this year.

It has often seemed to me that, in midsummer, my lawn is bursting with rabbits. Each year that has been confirmed with a large number of observations of the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit. It has consistently been our most observed mammal.

The fungi that were so plentiful last year dropped down this year to less than half as many but still showed a lot of diversity with the observation of 18 different types of fungi.  Our rainfall this year leading up to the bioblitz was lower than last year and was likely a big contributor to the drop in observed fungi.

Change and constancy.

Other interesting observations this year? I love how a raccoon was “observed” by noticing its tracks. We’re all nature detectives here 🙂

The top ten observed species were evenly split between introduced and native species. As for the rest? The native species were close to double the number of introduced species. Somewhat heartening.

And now for the other stats. Drumroll, please!

  • Team with largest number of observations: Macnoot
  • Team with most number of species observed: Macnoot
  • Team with youngest participant: Xebinz
  • Team with oldest participant: Beechmont Blitz
  • Our largest teams were two Girl Scout troops who were new to blitzing this year.

All participants in the bioblitz are so appreciated, and you’re all winners. For our super-duper winners, Team Macnoot, Xebinz, and Beechmont Blitz, please come over for a visit to our trails and pop into our office to pick up your prize. We are often out on the trails and not in the office, so please reach out first via phone or email before you come. 

As I’ve said in previous years, it gives me great joy to know that we inspired many of you to get outside, to work together with your team, to learn a bit, and to enjoy nature. I hope that you include nature in your life every day and that it brings you joy and enhances your life.

My best–

Jocelyn Klein, Director of Education

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