Which Animal Made Those Tracks?

Have you ever wondered what animal made those tracks? Who is traveling on the trails or through your yard? Come find out how to solve these mysteries, as we learn about animal tracks. We’ll explore Sheldrake, looking for tracks and signs of rabbits, deer, squirrels, and other animals. Learn what tracks can tell us about which animals are active during the winter, where they go, and how they survive. For grades K-5 (drop-off program).

Date: Wednesday, February 19

Time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm

Ages: Grades K-5

Format: Drop-off. Time may be spent both outdoors and indoors.

Fee: $40 for members, $50 for non-members

Cancellation Policy: This program proceeds in inclement weather unless hazardous conditions occur. In the event that Sheldrake should cancel a program (or a portion thereof), either a makeup will be scheduled or a refund will be issued (proportionate to the canceled event). Participant cancellation requires a minimum of one week’s notice (in writing to scheduling@sheldrakecenter.org; be sure to obtain written confirmation of receipt), and a 25% cancellation fee will be charged. No refunds will be issued under other circumstances. Registration is not transferable.

Advance registration required; space is limited.

Which Animal Made Those Tracks?
flyer depicting assorted animal footprints and listing the date time and title of a children's program


685 Weaver St, Larchmont, NY 10538